LOCA UV Glue (Liquid Optically Clear Adhesive)
LOCA or liquid optically clear adhesive is a liquid-based bonding material often used to bind lenses and optical materials to a liquid crystal display or touch panel. LOCA cures via UV rays and proper application results in a clear display.
This product is recommended for use with out Game Boy Color frontlights for a clearer and more secure installation.
- Packaged in a syringe for easy application
- Quick cure time when used with a UV curing light
- Removable from the LCD
- 1 x 5 ml LOCA UV Glue
- LOCA should be cured with a UV curing light. Trying to cure LOCA using bright sunlight will dramatically extend the time it takes to properly cure
- If you decide you no longer want a frontlit Game Boy Color, it is possible to carefully remove the LOCA without damaging the console's screen. Please note, however, that, as the frontlight is etched, removing the LOCA from the frontlight will damage the frontlight